Carbon38 Seattle | Open Spaces - October


Carbon38 is a female led company that curates a stylish and functionally-driven wardrobe. Much of their pieces focus on the fitness space, blending fit, style and function in one. In each major city, Carbon38 creates teams to represent the brand and mission. I’m so thankful to have been part of the Seattle team for the last two years. We gather each month to workout together, meet women who are paving way in our local fitness industry, and bond over cute outfits and healthy snacks.

This month, our event was a Beats & Yoga class hosted by Morgan Zion at the W Hotel. Our team moved as one, with Morgan leading us through various yoga flows while listening to hip hop music. I typically prefer high intensity and strength workouts, so practicing yoga allowed me to slow my pace down - it was a great change! At every event, there is a special message from the host - it ranges from health and mental wellness, goals, and community. We take turns introducing ourselves and speak about what is on our minds. The best part of the Seattle Team is bringing together like-minded individuals who truly care about building an environment that is focused on community over competition. This event felt truly special since it’s been hard for us to meet with the pandemic.

You’re probably going to ask me about our cute outfits! The teal leatherette tank and leggings for this event are part of Carbon38’s newest collection and comes in other colors. Use code “SARAHLAM” for 15% off when you shop!

Photos by Sarah Wolfe Photography

FitnessSarah Lam